

We are dedicated to bringing you a wonderful shopping experience, We are confident you'll find our products to be of the highest quality. If you are not completely satisfied with a product, you may return it to our warehouse for a complete refund or you can visit our store for an exchange or in-store credit.

To return/exchange a product to

Send an email to, stating the reason for the return. We will get back to you within 2 business days, to inform you if the return is approved or not.

Mail your return using a traceable ground shipping method (we recommend UPS or the U.S. Postal Service insured mail) to:

Eveline Cosmetics USA

1870 S Elmhurst Rd

Mount Prospect IL 60056

When you return a purchase, please keep these important points in mind:

* Products should be returned within 30 days from date of purchase.

*All items must be unused and sealed in its original package. We can not accept any damaged, used or opened merchandise. Please ensure that any stickers remain attached to the product and that it is returned in its original packaging. Certain returns may be subject to 20% restocking fee. Please send us an email to if you would like to return your item and we will issue a return ticket.

* Shipping/handling fees and gift option charges are refunded only if the product is defective, being recalled, or was misshipped by
* We cannot accept CODs for returned merchandise.
* In the case of shipping damages, please contact the carrier or our customer service department within 24 hours.
*Packages returned because of a wrong address provided, will not be shipped again until a correct shipping address is received, and the shipping cost will be the buyer's responsibility.
* Credit will always be issued to the same credit card to which they were charged.
* We will issue a refund within 30 business days of receiving and processing your return. It should appear on your statement within two billing periods, depending on your billing cycle.


* DO NOT RETURN ITEMS TO EVELINECOSMETICSUSA.COM BY AIR MAIL - The U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) restricts air shipment of hazardous materials items that could contribute to a fire or other mishap on board an aircraft. Aerosol products in pressurized spray containers (e.g., deodorant, some perfumes) and products containing flammable, volatile, or corrosive chemicals (e.g.,nail polish, nail polish removers) have this restricted status.

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